Dubai aviation 'taking centre stage'

Dubai aviation 'taking centre stage'

A top official in Dubai's aviation industry believes the emirate is part of a growing shift in the industry towards the Middle East.

Speaking to 7 Days in Dubai, chief executive of Dubai International Airports Paul Griffiths claimed the city had an advantage over areas such as Europe, where the existing infrastructure makes it very difficult to achieve expansion and developments, yet more people want to travel every year.

He said: 'The Middle East is actually stepping up to be the story of aviation in the modern world and we are taking centre stage.
'We are all serving the world market for aviation - and with all the airport capacity that is being built, all we are simply doing is catering for the growth and level of service that the airports in the rest of the world are falling behind in.'

Mr Griffiths' comments can arguably be supported in recent news, as strong growth and demand for the emirate has been well documented - Dubai International Airports recently stated passenger volumes had increased 13.1 per cent in September to over five million.

As such its airports and wider aviation industry represent a strong measure of Dubai's success - it provides a great investment opportunity for anyone looking to enter into markets relative to the sector, such as hotels and hospitality. The emirate has a strong international tourism and business presence, resulting in a strong influx of visitors.

In further evidence, the city is also building the world's largest airport at Dubai World Central, which recently opened its passenger terminal - it can currently cater for seven million passengers a year, but this figure will grow as expansion continues.

Additionally, the upcoming Dubai Airshow occurring between November 17th and 21st is a major event for the sector as many airlines are expected to place some of their largest orders, increasing their fleets and confirming Dubai as a prime location to conduct such business.